Tuesday, 7 March 2023

New Venue - our trial at Warrior Quest dojo

Starting this week, and for the next three weeks (i.e. 14, 21 & 28 March), we are sitting on Monday evenings on an experimental basis at Warrior Quest dojo on Fish Street in the town centre. Very happy for anyone to come and join us whether you've sat with us before, or are completely new to Zen.

We meet at 7.15 outside the dojo (see photo below for exact location), and the sessions run from 7.30 to 9.30 including tea and a chat/reading on a Zen topic.

Note that our usual Wednesdays continue as usual.

This week, Valentina shared some images and even one short video to give you a flavour of the place... scroll on...


  1. This looks lovely unfortunately I can't make Mondays. What do u do Wednesday at What time?

    1. We currently also meet Wednesdays at the Quaker House, at least for the next couple of weeks, and then we're going to decide which venue to keep on using. Wednesday details are on this site, links at top of page. Feel free to call or email if you want more info, my details are also here somewhere!
