Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Happy New Year!

I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions recently. So many of my friends dismiss them, based on repeated experience of failure, and I get that - but on the other hand, there's something wonderful about marking the change of the year by consciously and in determined fashion formulating an intention.

I've a couple of clear intentions this year - one is to improve my physical health which is not bad but not great. So - more walking, cycling and fewer short car trips. The other is to bolster the regularity of my practice. For some people, zazen seems to be an intrinsically rewarding activity requiring no effort or determination to get on the cushion. I've always envied people like that! So this year I will be practising more regularly. I've really slacked off over Christmas! I know (hope!) that when I get into it again, build up a head of steam of regular practice, that it will become self-sustaining, but effort is required to overcome inertia.

Intentions embody our highest ideals, they give shape to how we believe we - and the world - should be. So here's to New Year's Resolutions: may we aspire to manifest ourselves fully in 2017, and may we put in the effort to do so.

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