Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Easter sesshin (retreat) in Crosby

This year's spring sesshin will be held from 5th to 10th April 2015 at Crosby Hall outside of Liverpool, and bookings are now being taken. The sesshin will be led by Keizan Sensei who will be giving teishi (dharma talks) and daisan (one-to-one interviews) with practitioners throughout the week.

The theme for the sesshin is taken from a phrase popular with Ken Jones who until his recent retirement would normally co-host the spring sesshin: "Our Unwinnable Lawsuit with Reality"!

Looking forward to it myself - can't wait to see Sensei and my dharma brothers & sisters as well as meet a few new folk too. Come on, come all!

There's a flyer with further details of the event which you can download here.

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