Saturday 1 December 2012

What are you doing for Rohatsu?

There's really only one 'high day' that has been imported from Japanese Buddhism into Western Zen - rohatsu.  Though the name simply indicates "8th December", rohatsu is the most high-profile observance on the zazenka's calendar: the anniversary of the enlightenment of the Buddha.

In the Lake District, a rohatsu retreat is about to start that will culminate on the weekend of rohatsu, and this pattern is echoed all over the world in Zen centres everywhere.  For those who can't manage a week off at this time of year, how do they mark this occasion?

In Liverpool, I'm running an all-night sit to follow the regular Saturday zazenkai (this year on rohatsu itself), and I hope a few hardy folk will join me for that.  It's not as tough as it sounds, we sit in shifts and do some sleeping too!

What might you do?

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