Today's inspirational quote comes from Gerry Shishin Wick Roshi of Great Mountain Zen Centre in the US and past president of the White Plum Asangha. It's from his book The Five Ranks of Zen which comes highly recommended though perhaps not aimed at new practitioners. In it, he writes:
Enlightenment is the reality of life, without judgment, without concepts, without projections. Enlightenment does not mean that you understand everything and that you no longer have to practice. Even the Buddha practiced for many lifetimes. Realizing life’s Great Matter, gaining the Way, or attaining satori only means that you have clarified the true meaning of practice, clearly understand in which direction you should proceed, and know where you should place your intention and value in your life. It provides you with a clear direction. There is no more speculation or equivocation. You are comfortable in not-knowing.
I know when I started as a practitioner, I was determined to find the answers, to arrive at some Great Understanding that would answer all the questions I was struggling to formulate. And while of course I've learned all sorts of things along the way, Keizan Roshi's insistence that this is a path of not knowing has forced me to face up to unrealistic expectations that somehow Zen would just fix my life... Spoiler: that's not really happened! But at the same time, in my not knowing I've found a peace that means that the troubles of daily existence have much less hold on me, and ultimately I suffer less.