I'm pleased to announce that we'll be holding a day of Zen practice in Collingtree village (just outside of Northampton and just off J15 on the M1) on Saturday 24 February 2018.
The day will start at 10.00am and run until 4.00pm, and will follow a schedule of meditation, Zen teaching and one-on-one interviews about your practice (optional), with a communal lunch and work period.
Zazenkai (trans: "coming together for zazen") is an opportunity to deepen our meditation practice in a way that's not always possible in our daily routine. For some, it's also a welcome opportunity to sit with a group of people - a sangha, or community - that isn't normally available. Please consider joining the Northampton group for this wonderful opportunity to firmly stand in our own shoes!
Our Zazenkai are suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners - introductory instruction will be given if you've not sat before, or perhaps just not sat with a StoneWater group. Wear dark-ish (i.e. non-distracting), comfortable clothing, rakusu if you have one.
Suggested donation: £20 (£15 concessions) - all proceeds go to meet costs and to support the Northampton group (and we're a bit skint right now!)
Venue: Collingtree Village Rooms, High Street, Collingtree, NN4 0NQ
Bookings: Not required, but it would help if you could give us notice so that we can make sure there's enough food for everyone!
Contact: Call Alasdair on 07807 753 781, or email me on alasdair@gordon-finlayson.net.