Thursday, 14 January 2016

Upcoming retreats

StoneWater Zen UK have announced two upcoming retreats. From 20-23 January will be a "Retreat to the City", involving a stay at the Liverpool zendo using the normal Retreat to the City schedule. Full cost £90*, contact John Suigen Kenworthy at for more information or to book.

Also, the Spring Sesshin dates have been finalised and announced: the sesshin will run from 3 to 9 April at Crosby Hall, just north of Liverpool. This is one of the two main retreats held each year, lead by Keizan Sensei, and follows a traditional sesshin schedule. A flyer can be downloaded, please feel free to distribute this to anyone who may be interested. Full cost £250*, contact Jez Lovekin at for more information or to book.

* Concessionary rates available at both events.