Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Merry, merry!

Just a quick post to wish you and yours all the best for the holidays and for the New Year.

Friday, 9 December 2011


I meant to post this yesterday... Just a quick note to acknowledge Rohatsu (8th December), the anniversary of the Buddha's enlightenment - in Japanese Buddhist traditions, in any case. So... Happy Rohatsu!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Teisho (zen talks) on MP3...

I've recently started posting a series of talks by Tenshin Fletcher Roshi and Keizan Scott Sensei on the StoneWater Notes blog (only one up so far). These were recorded at the Autumn sesshin this year at Crosby Hall, and each runs to about an hour. Occasionally it's hard to make out what the retreatants are saying when they ask questions, but the teachers are pretty clear.

Keizan Sensei delivering a teisho at Crosby, 2011