Wednesday 6 March 2013

A visit to Moulton Primary

Today I spent some time at Moulton Primary, leading a Buddhist assembly with the whole school from Year 1 to Year 6.

We talked about the Three Poisons - they're usually listed as Greed, Anger and Ignorance, but I tried to put things in a more accessible format:

  • Being selfish and greedy
  • Getting angry
  • Getting confused and frustrated

(That last interpretation very much inspired by my own son!)

Instead of behaving in these ways, I talked about trying to practice the opposites: the antidotes, asking if the kids could be (i) generous, (ii) kind and compassionate, and (iii) recognising when we're being upset or selfish and clearly deciding that we don't have to behave that way.

The kids were fantastic - so attentive and curious, so bold in their questions. We did a short metta meditation and then learned how to do gassho to say goodbye. Half the kids ended up filing past me to leave the hall, and I ended up doing a lot of gassho-ing!

Thanks to all the kids who were so wonderful, and to Miss Wilson for inviting me for their special Buddhist assembly.

Moulton Primary School

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